Bristol Dunlap. Nov. 2010

Once upon a time, I was having issues falling asleep and holding my health to a good level. My Dad, Mark Dunlap, suggested a few herbs to help. I didn't believe they would do anything...but I was wrong. I've been taking a combination of turmeric, Noni, and Passion Flower befoer I sleep and have seriously not been sick once in the past year and I sleep great! Maintaining my health is so important as a college student! Thank you Dad!

Robin of Hi. 2002

I purchased a 2oz. bottle of your Noni lotion. I've gotten good
results with a scar that I've had for awhile and several of my
friends are asking for it too.

Ann of Wy. Oct. 2001

While on Maui I purchased Kona Noni in an attempt to
help my arthritis pain. These capsules worked very well
and I wish to purchase more.